How To Cut Plexiglass

Plexiglass, also known as acrylic sheet, is a versatile material. It’s lighter than glass but can be tricky to cut. Here’s how to do it!


Plexiglass sheet
Ruler or straight edge
Marking pen
Utility knife or specialized plexiglass cutter
Safety glasses
Work gloves

Wear safety glasses and gloves.
Measure and mark the desired cut line using the marking pen and ruler.
Place the ruler on the marked line.
Score the plexiglass several times along the line using the utility knife or plexiglass cutter, applying even pressure.
Position the scored line at the edge of a table or workbench and apply steady downward pressure. The plexiglass should snap cleanly along the scored line.
Sand the edges for a smoother finish, if desired.
How to Paint Aluminum

How To Paint Aluminum

Painting aluminum can give it a fresh, vibrant look, but it’s crucial to prepare it properly first.


Sandpaper (220-grit)
Soap and water
Primer (designed for aluminum)
Paint (acrylic latex exterior paint is best)
Paintbrush or roller

Clean the aluminum surface with soap and water. Dry thoroughly.
Sand the surface lightly with 220-grit sandpaper.
Wipe away any dust using a cloth.
Apply a coat of primer designed for aluminum. Allow to dry according to manufacturer instructions.
Apply the paint using a paintbrush or roller. Let the first coat dry.
If necessary, apply a second coat.
Allow to dry thoroughly before exposing to weather or heavy use.
How to Paint a Deck

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